Off we go, enjoying airport togetherness at 5 in the morning …Taiwan, here we come!

Day 1
Chiang Kai Shek Memorial 中正紀念堂
We visited the Chiang Kai Shek memorial after church service. The last time we came here, Travis was only 2 years old.

The vast open space became a dueling ground for Kevan and Tina!

The day concluded with a feast at a church member’s home, some of Taylor’s great friends. We are very grateful that people we met in Taiwan are so welcoming and kind to us and they took such great care of our son for the two years he served here❤️

Day 2
Taipei 101 Mall 台北 101 購物中心
We started out our day having lunch with Brother Liou, another member baptized by Taylor on his mission who then baptized his son and granddaughter into the church as well. He is an amazing man who works as a traditional Chinese physical therapist. He even gave Kevan a deep tissue massage at the restaurant to loosen up his tightened muscles. It’s quite an interesting scene 😂😂😂 @ TAIPEI 101 MALL

Explored Taipei 101, the biggest shopping mall in Taipei, located at the World Trade Center, and of course visited the PwC building at the World Trade Center where Kevan worked for a few years a long time ago (which is when Taylor was born in Taipei!).

Day 3
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Temple
Taylor also took us to visit the beautiful LDS Taipei Temple❤️!

Day 4
Taitung 台東
We took a 4 hour train ride to Taitung to visit another area Taylor served in during his mission. We were picked up by Bishop Chang’s family who welcomed us with a feast at his home. I am continuously overwhelmed by the love, generosity, and kindness from the people Taylor served here. As soon as we arrived at the house, tons of little children jumped up on Taylor, hugged him and wouldn’t let him go, asking him to move to Taitung. They all wanted to sit with Taylor and quickly forced me out of my seat so they could be next to Taylor😂. The bishop offered his van for us to use for sight seeing even though this is only the first time we met him, lots of trust here❤️. The grandma who made all the food tonight came over to give me a hug again as we were leaving to thank me for sending Taylor to serve in Taitung. I know this is all Heavenly Father’s plan to send Taylor where he could touch, serve, and influence the hearts of the people in accordance with His will. I love Taitung and had a blast mingling with the Chang family❤️

Day 5
SanXianTai 臺東三仙台
Family hike at SanXianTai in Taitung. Despite the overcast weather, the scenery was spectacular. Spending quality time with my family and seeing how my three wonderful children interact with and love each other is the best Christmas present ever❤️

Ethereal 世外桃源❤️
At the peak of SanXianTai 三仙臺燈塔最高點

Lunch at Sam’s Burger with all the missionaries in Taitung! Taylor’s favorite burger is the peanut butter cheese burger. And, I’m certainly impressed with how much food the elder missionaries consumed…😬🐷🤪

It was time to check in for our train from Taitung to Taipei, or so we thought…
We inserted our tickets at the turn-style but were rejected, at which point the ticket lady informed us that our tickets were for the 5am train and not 5pm😂😂😂

Day 6
Din Tai Fung 鼎泰豐
Lunch at Din Tai Fung again, this time with the entire family❤️. The new found fav is the mini chocolate bun, yum!!! @ Taipei, Taiwan

Day 6
大溪老街 Dasi Old Streets
Walking Daxi Old Streets was pretty neat, as if we were back in time 150 years ago. The unique Baroque style architecture was fascinating. Daxi old street was built decades ago as a short cut to facilitate the trading of camphor from evergreen trees and tea. Soy products are among the more popular goods sold here. The tofu pudding we had was silky and tasty. I was also quite fascinated with the modern cracker maker that shoots out crackers when ready.

Dinner with Roger and Max at Chili’s in Taipei🤔. These two amazing individuals were taught and baptized by Taylor during his mission. Roger was the first investigator Taylor met in Ankang. This Good Samaritan approached Taylor and his companion knowing that they were lost and helped them get back to their apartment. What a blessing that is !!!