On Independence Day in Switzerland, we took a quick trip to Bern, the capital of Switzerland, by train from Basel to visit the Federal Palace, which is only open to the public once a year on Independence Day. Sounds like many governments; they only want to see or hear from you once a year when they ask you to vote them back in!

This is pretty cool, Swan. It is always a delightful feeling for me to see your adventures and pictures from all the trips you take around our wonderful planet. It warms my heart to know that you are happy and enjoying life with Kevan. Your story together is like a fairytale, reminiscent of the ones I used to believe in when I was a little girl. I don’t know many couples like you and Kevan who are so strong together because you have each other’s backs no matter what.
This website you are putting your time into is such a great idea, and I always read all the descriptions on your Facebook posts. It is fascinating to learn from your experiences in all the places you go. I love the way you write and describe your experiences, I hope to read more about it here in the future.
I miss you so much. Every time I go to La Jolla, I always have nice thoughts about you and our time walking there. Walking is a great exercise that keeps your heart healthy, and I hope you continue to walk at least 3 miles every day like we used to do.
Thank you for sharing your traveling experiences, and please keep it up. This is great!
very interesting, but nothing sensible